five fun thing to celebrate Valentine's Day

Five Fun Ideas To Celebrate Valentine’s Day In Gaborone (Even If You’re Single)

If you’re single you’re likely not going to be getting chocolates or flowers I’m afraid, but who cares?

Romance is in the air, Valentines Day is coming up in a short few days. Scary!

The coupled up amongst us are busy planning and maybe even blackmailing each other for the best valentine’s day gifts. From romantic dinners with delicious food to spa days full of pampering, there are always lots of opportunities for couples to celebrate their love in Gaborone.

Self love looks good, always!

But what about the single folks who’d also want to celebrate their freedom, because yes being single can be a real good thing. It could be that you have just extricated yourself from a toxic relationship which calls for a celebration. Or just the joy of being free to roam.

In recent years we have experienced an increasing call to tune in internally and prioritize ourselves, to fill our cups and celebrate the self. Selfcare and self-love have become such common phrases that a Google search generates more than five billion and three billion results for these keywords respectively and for good reason. It has become critical to be very intentional about creating a joyful space for and within the self. As we grow older this becomes even more important especially for us women. Our responsibilities are bottomless. We  literally carry the home, raise our children, take care of our ailing parents, support our siblings and the list goes on and on.

Like I mentioned, If you are single you’re likely not going to be getting chocolates or flowers I’m afraid. The good news though is that you can still have an enriching valentine’s day celebration. You can do fun activities that fill your cup to honour the love of your life; yourself!

This year, why not try something out-of-the-ordinary and enjoy one of these unique Valentine’s experiences?

Fun ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Gaborone

We have five fun ideas to celebrate valentine’s day in Gaborone even if you’re single, especially if you’re single.

  1. Si Spa has a wide array of luxurious beauty treatments at a reasonable cost. They offer waxing, facials, massages, manicures & pedicures as well as body scrubs. The best news is that you can do this alone or with your fellow single girlfriends for extra fun. The ambiance is great, the stuff is friendly and the location is not only central but accessible and stunning. The cherry on top is that Si Spa offers vouchers which gives you ample time to utilize it at your convenience.
  2. Yownn Yoga Breakfast at Ate@Design; this is a bespoke event that combines yoga, breakfast and a hangout, what’s not to love? If you have been wanting to experience yoga but have not been able to for whatever reason, this is a great event to do just that. You get to experience yoga in a fun and accessible way, on a Saturday morning when you’re not to rushed, with beautiful community of women who support each other on and off the mat. In addition, there is a nourishing breakfast in a local eatery that celebrates art and showcases local artists’ work as décor. The ambiance is to die for. You will leave filled refreshed, and nourished, it is a great place to meet and make new friends. This event is perfect to do your with girls, or solo. The Valentine’s themed Yownn Yoga Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday 11th February 2023, the ticket is P280 per person.
  3. White Label Fragrance Candle making class is back on the 11th of February 2023. You can expect to have a fun experience where you will be learning the basics of candle making, playing around with scents and colour. For this experience dress casually and come prepared immerse yourself in this therapeutic experience. The ticket is P400 for singles and P600 for couples, so why not bring your girl pals for this enriching experience?
  4. Farmer’s Market in Phakalane is another fun experience that you can do for valentine’s day. It takes place every Saturday morning at the Serbian Church behind Acassia mall. Entrance is free, and you call buy goodies such as coffee, baked goods, books, cheese, dairy products, biltong etc. There are shaded spots where you can hang out with your girls taking in the fresh air and people watching. It is a perfect place to meet new people. Pro tip: carry cash as they do not swipe.
  5. Valentine’s Dinner for two at Ate@Design; this is an exclusive event for just 15 couples so you will have to book early to avoid disappointments. Do remember though that a couple can be yourself and your girl pal, and why not? The menu is to die for and coupled with Ate@Design cool vibe we have no doubt you’ll have a wholesome day with your loved one. The ticket is P1000 for a three-course meal with specially selected wines.


Don’t let yet another Valentine’s Day pass you by just because you are single, grab one of our five fun ideas and celebrate the heck out of this lover’s day. Make sure to book early so that you don’t miss out on this beautiful experiences.

P.S. Yownn Yoga Breakfast tickets are still available, out theme this year is #beYownnValentine


benefits of yoga

16 Benefits of Yoga for Overworked & Stressed Women Who Don’t Enjoy Working Out


The benefits of yoga cannot be over-started, but before we get there, let’s face it: If you are a woman in your 30s and above you are stressed out.

We live in a world where everything is moving so fast. We’re always on the go, and there’s no time for ourselves.

We’re constantly stressed out about every little thing in life — from bills to relationships aka mjolo and even friendships (especially women in their 30s and above). It’s no wonder that so many people struggle with anxiety disorders (and other mental health issues) today!

Yoga is one of those things that can help us feel less stressed out and more relaxed overall, which is why I’m sharing with you some benefits of yoga specifically for working women who are not into the fitness lifestyle but still want something healthy to do.

Yoga offers time to yourself.

One of the greatest benefits of yoga is that it’s a great way to spend time alone. You can do it anywhere and at any time, so it doesn’t require you to leave the house or spend money on equipment. As a matter of fact we have free online yoga classes for your to try out if you’d like.

The physical practice of yoga is also beneficial for your overall health and wellness, especially if you have a busy schedule that doesn’t allow much time for exercise. Practicing yoga regularly will give you an opportunity to focus on yourself and what’s going on in your life right now–a much needed break from work.

Yoga is a moving meditation.

Yoga is a moving meditation. It’s an effective way to relax your body and mind, as well as help you focus on the present moment. The physical practice of yoga enables you to create space between yourself and stressful thoughts or emotions, so that they don’t overwhelm you anymore. It helps reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body, which in turn reduces anxiety symptoms like irritability and insomnia.

Yoga also improves flexibility, strength and balance–all things we need for better health!

Yoga helps you feel less stressed.

Yoga helps you relax and feel less stressed, which is important for working women who may have a lot on their plate. When you’re stressed out, cortisol levels increase in your body. This hormone can lead to feeling tired as well as increased anxiety and depression–and we all know how hard it is for working women to get much-needed rest when they’re constantly thinking about work! As already mentioned, yoga reduces cortisol levels in the body thus improving sleep quality, mood and overall well being. Yoga studios such as Yownn Yoga offer free yoga classes online and paid in-person classes as well as yoga events to get you acquainted to yoga in a fun and accessible way

You can do yoga anywhere.

Yoga is a great way to improve your health and de-stress. You can do yoga anywhere, from home or in a studio, to at work or on the train or bus. The best part is that it’s free!

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been proven effective in helping people achieve better physical and mental health. It helps reduce stress, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as improve sleep quality among other things.

It’s safe for your body.

Yoga is the perfect exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels. It can be done by anyone, regardless of injury or health condition. If you’re feeling sore from a long day at work, yoga will help you relax and ease your muscles into shape.

If you’ve injured yourself recently or have an existing health condition that makes it difficult to move around freely, yoga is still safe for you–the poses don’t require any jumping or heavy lifting (though some may require balance), so even if your joints aren’t as strong as they used to be, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be able to handle these simple movements.

Yoga is great for improving posture.

Another of the benefits of yoga is that it helps you to improve your overall health and wellness, but did you know that it can also help reduce neck pain? By strengthening the muscles in your upper back and shoulders, yoga can help improve the alignment of your spine–which means less stress on those areas! In addition to improving posture, yoga also improves breathing by engaging both sides of the diaphragm (the muscle located between chest cavity and abdominal cavity) which allows more air into our lungs. Improving breathing techniques will allow you to feel more energized throughout the day while also reducing cravings for sugar or caffeine because they make us feel alert!

When you practice yoga, you get to move in a safe way that helps you feel good and reduces stress

When you practice yoga, you get to move in a safe way that helps you feel good and reduces stress. Yoga is a moving meditation. It’s also one of the best ways to relieve stress because it allows you time for yourself and takes away from the busyness of everyday life. You can do yoga anywhere–at home or at work–and it won’t disrupt your schedule or take up too much time if done correctly (which we’ll talk about in an upcoming post).

Yoga does not require any equipment other than what comes naturally: breath, body weight and gravity! So there’s no need for expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment; just get down on all fours or sit cross-legged on the floor with a blanket underneath if needed (I recommend this!).

helps you manage your stress

Yoga reduces stress levels by releasing endorphins (natural chemicals produced by our bodies) that make us feel happy when we’re stressed out about work deadlines coming up fast. This leads me into another benefit of incorporating some form of exercise into my daily routine: better mood management! Yoga has sustained me during my most turbulent career year where I started a new role smack in the middle of an MSc. What could have been a highly stressful time became transformational thanks to my ability to keep my cool during intense situations.

increases breathing

Breathing is a must in yoga. It’s how you stay present and focused, which is something that can be hard to do when you’re working. Breathe deeply and slowly and focus on the sensation of air entering your body and leaving it again. This will help calm your mind, making it easier for you to concentrate on what’s happening right now without worrying about what might happen later or even tomorrow morning!

reduces cravings

Another benefit of yoga is that it can help you reduce cravings and eat less. Yoga has been shown to increase fullness, which means that you’ll feel more satisfied after eating a meal or snack. This helps you eat healthier because it keeps you from overindulging in junk food, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems like diabetes or heart disease over time.

improves mood

Yoga is a great way to improve your mood. Yoga helps you feel less stressed and more relaxed, which can help with sleep problems, depression and anxiety.

A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found that people who practiced yoga regularly had lower levels of depression and anxiety compared with non-practitioners. Another study found that women who participated in a 12-week yoga program experienced significant improvements in mood compared with those who did not practice yoga during this time period (J Altern Complement Med 2012;18(5):517-523).

improves digestion

Yoga is known to improve digestion and bowel movements. It helps with acid reflux and bloating, too. When we’re stressed out or tired, our bodies produce more cortisol–a hormone that can slow down the digestive system. Yoga can help regulate your cortisol levels so that you’ll feel less stress in general, which will also help keep your digestion on track!

strengthens your immune system

Yoga is a mental and physical activity which helps you strengthen your immune system. By practicing yoga, you will be able to increase your flexibility, strength and endurance.

If you’re not into the fitness lifestyle but want to improve your health, then yoga is the best way for you! It can help you feel more energized throughout the day because it promotes relaxation through breathing exercises.

better sleep

Yoga can help you sleep better. If you’re stressed or anxious, yoga will help relieve those feelings. Stress and anxiety are both known to affect our ability to fall asleep at night and stay asleep throughout the night. The relaxation that comes from practicing yoga helps calm your mind and body so that you can relax more easily when it’s time for bedtime. Yoga also improves circulation, which contributes to deeper sleep by helping oxygen reach every cell in your body (including those in your brain).

You can be a busy working woman and still incorporate yoga in your daily life

You can be a busy working woman and still incorporate yoga in your daily life.

It’s not about finding time, it’s about making time for yourself. Yoga is an excellent way to relax and unwind after a long day at work, but it can also help you stay focused on tasks that require concentration or attention to detail. Studies have shown that people who practice yoga regularly tend to score higher on tests measuring their ability to concentrate than those who don’t perform any kind of meditation or mindfulness exercises at all!

Yoga isn’t just for “health nuts and hippies” yoga can help you keep your sanity even when you have a crazy work schedule or a stressful life

Yoga isn’t just for “health nuts and hippies.” It can help you keep your sanity even when you have a crazy work schedule or a stressful life.

As a working woman, I know how difficult it is to find time to exercise and stay fit during the week. Yoga is an amazing way to get in shape without putting pressure on yourself (or spending money). You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership; all you need is some floor space and some imagination!


We hope that this article has helped you understand how yoga can benefit your life as a working woman. If you’re still not convinced that yoga is worth trying, we encourage you to give it one more chance! The benefits are many and varied, so there’s no reason why anyone should not be able to find something they like about it. The important thing is that whatever kind of practice feels right for you–whether it involves moving slowly through poses or sitting quietly with eyes closed–make sure that it makes sense given your busy schedule.

P.S. We have Yownn Yoga Breakfast in partnership with Ate@Design coming up on the 28th of January 2023, the event’s theme is yoga, eat and hangout. It is a perfect way to experience yoga as a first timer, you can bring a friend or come alone and meet new people. You can sign up by clicking on this link.

7 Energizing Yoga Poses To Lift Your Spirits

The benefits of yoga

Some people drink coffee first thing in the morning, I practice yoga ~ Nolsy Nols

Did you know that yoga increases ‘prana’ or life force energy in the body by removing blockages along the spinal cord and smoothening the energy flow?

While yoga is well known for calming and relaxing the mind, certain yoga poses can help you feel more awake and energized. Backbends especially are great energy boosters, they increase flexibility in your spine, stretch your chest, and give you a surge of energy which can significantly enhance your productivity and self-confidence.

Yoga poses in general emphasize opening and lifting of the chest and stimulate the vagus nerve. They are not associated with competition or dominance but they are likely to increase physical energy and subjective sense of energy and empowerment.

Back to backbends, I never start my day without a back bend, and I can promise you, no matter how dark my mood is, backbends always come through to lift my spirits. Infact, some days all I do is a gentle backbend and a spinal twist, for me that’s the beauty of yoga. As Yogawithzaz recently put it, your yoga practice doesn’t have to be like everyone else’s. It’s much like ordering a meal, you might choose to add hot sauce, spicy mustard, cooling raita, or take it as it comes. You might choose to have second helpings, or to leave bits on the side of the plate that aren’t to your taste. You might devour it in haste, or pause between mouthfuls. 

Sometimes you want a light snack, or a light meal, in other instances you might feel like a whole feast, you chose, you decide, it’s basically your meal to do with as you please, so does yoga, you choose what works for you at that specific moment. Every practice is different, every day is different, but there’s certainly a portion to to feed your soul everyday.

We’ve put together a list of energizing yoga poses below to try at home to get an instant energy boost, or maybe try our short slow energizing yoga flow for beginners. This flow is designed to stretch your body and open your heart to start the day on a natural high. Try it and let us know how in the comments, if you like it, please subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you never miss free yoga classes. 

7 energizing yoga aposes for you to try out.

1. Low Cobra (Ardha Bhujangasana)

Low cobra is a gentle and accessible back bend, it helps to strengthen your back muscles and is great as a warm up. Low cobra is accessible to most and can be modified to your preferred intensity. 

2. Full Cobra (Bhujangasana)

Full cobra is the deeper, more intense variation of low cobra, it also helps to strengthen your back muscles and in addition to that stretches your front body as well. This yoga asana requires caution and should be practiced with guidance. 

3. Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Upward facing dog looks much like a full cobra pose, except your knee caps are lifted elevating your lower body from the ground, it requires a lot more strength and skill than full cobra, the benefits are however the same, with the addition of strength building.

4. Low Lunge with An Arch (Anjaneyasana)

Low lunge with an arch has several touch points. This yoga posture is great for your hips and quats, it helps to release tension from your hips and the arch opens your chest to allow in sunshine for that energy boost.

5. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Fish pose is a supine backbend and unlike the other backbends, you do fish pose lying on your back. It improves flexibility in the upper spine and opens the chest, shoulders and throat. Fish pose is a great energy booster, it also strengthens the neck muscles. It requires, experience and skill, it should be practiced with caution and guidance from an experienced yoga teacher.

6. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow pose is a deep back bend that stretches your entire front body and strengthens your back muscles. It is a great one to practice if you’re constantly hunched over your computer, it’s great for improving your posture and opens up your shoulders and upper back.

7. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Camel posture is quite an intense asana that stretches your entire front body and strengthens your back muscles. It requires that your body be warm as in a deeper backbend. To practice camel pose make sure that you have sufficiently warmed up to avoid injury.


The practice of yoga has many benefits, what is even more special about yoga in my opinion is that you work with what you already have. I like that it is relatively cheap, with lots of options online to try at home. 

Yownn yoga offers classes online and in person, we offer both studio classes and private at-home classes for your convenience. We’re introducing Yownn Hangouts to give you that sense of community so that your yoga practice is no longer a lonely affair. 

P.S. Feel free to share this with your community!



Know These Beginner Yoga Poses for Women

Yoga is the ultimate way to regain your health naturally. There is no lifting weights or going through an intensive workout regime. Here is a list of poses practiced during the sessions of beginner yoga for women:

Beginner yoga poses for women

  1. Mountain pose

Stand straight and push down the earth with your toes. Lift your kneecaps with the internal muscles of your thighs and quadriceps. Lift your diaphragm to draw in the belly a little. Your shoulder blades will come closer to each other. Maintain the pose for at least 5 breaths.

  1. Downward facing dog

This simple beginner yoga pose for women resembles a cat or dog stretching. Put your body weight on your palms and feet soles. Lift your hip to make a triangular shape with your entire body. Keep your triceps and hamstrings tight and hold the position for at least 5 breaths.

  1. Plank

Keep your body straight and pull up your upper portion with the help of your arms. Your body will make an angle with the horizontal plane. Maintain a straight line with your head, neck, back, and legs. Hold this position for at least 8 breaths.

  1. Tree pose

Stand tall and do a ‘namaskar pose by putting one leg on the tight of the other leg. Stand on one leg and maintain the pose for at least 8 breaths. This is also a pose for beginner yoga for women.

  1. Seated bend forward

Sit down with your legs parallel to each other. Slowly bend your back and put your forearms beside the legs parallel to each other. Stoop down without lifting your legs and bring your head closer to the knees. Hold it for a while.

These are the prime poses taught online in beginner yoga for women sessions. Learn these poses from the best gurus online today, and start your fitness journey!

5 Yoga Poses to Gain Flexibility and Balance!

Flexibility has become a key component of physical fitness, and nothing helps you better than yoga if you want to attain the same. A flexible body can perform other exercises well. Flexibility makes your body quick and mobile and also gives you immense strength. Yoga for flexibility and balance has become a new cool. You can learn yoga to maintain flexibility in your body in the long run!

Increased flexibility also releases muscle tension, alleviates insomnia, reduces stress, and increases your sense of well-being. We have listed the five best poses of yoga for flexibility and balance that you can perform daily:

  1. Half Splits Pose:

This pose targets your hamstrings and reduces muscle tension. You can start with a tabletop position and plant your right foot between palms. Straighten your right legs while sending your hips back. Keep your hips lifted and stacked above the left knee. Flex your right toes back toward your face. Hold the pose for five breaths and then switch to the other side.

  1. Lizard Pose:

It is one of the best poses of yoga for flexibility and balance. Start with a tabletop position, setting up your right foot outside your right hand. Place your palms inside your right foot and extend the left leg behind. Stay on the palms while keeping the chest lifted. Hold the pose for five breaths. Switch to the other side. 

  1. Head to Knee:

Sit on a yoga mat and extend your right leg forth. Bend the left knee outside and press your left foot into your inner thigh. Breathe in and out while raising arms overhead. Bend at your hips and fold forward on the right leg. Hold on to the outstretched foot and breathe for one minute. Repeat.

  1. Cat-Cow:

Place your legs and hands on the floor as if you are in the position that of a cow. Balance your body and breathe in a while, letting your belly drop on the floor. Keep the tailbone, chin, and chest rose while moving your belly downward. Breathe out. Continue for a minute.

  1. Bow Pose:

Lie facing down and place arms alongside your body. Bend knees such that your feet float up. Hold ankles with your hands. Lift your chest and shoulders from the floor such that your face is put forward. Take long breaths and hold the pose. Repeat.

We are sure that Yoga poses for flexibility and balance will help you attain extreme fitness and flexibility. Try now!

live yoga classes online

How to Find Effective Online Yoga Courses

This digital era has made everything so convenient that we can avail almost anything sitting at home. From education to training, all can be done via online support! Learning and practicing Yoga online has become more popular than attending physical classes. Connecting with a registered yoga practitioner and learning how to get the poses right has never been so easy. Below mentioned are few points to help you  find the best online yoga courses and get certified.

How to find the right yoga course?

If you are a yoga enthusiast, here is what you need to do to find the right course:

  1. Find your level

Check your level first. Find out whether you have to start fresh from a beginner level or you can go for an intermediate training session. If you are new to this, you can start from scratch. If you have the basic knowledge, you can start from the level that comes after your achievement. It will help you find out the right online yoga courses.

  1. Search online and seek information

Get to know the courses offered by the online portals. Find out the certifications of the mentors conducting such courses. Get in touch with the course executive to gain more information related to fees and certification. Check the flexibility level of the courses conducted so that you can attend them at your convenience. Aim at adding the best facilities in exchange for the course fee and time you will invest in  the online yoga courses.

  1. Check development

Make sure you can develop your yoga skills from one level to the other. Join an online yoga training agency that caters to all levels so that you do not have to seek other service providers for completing those levels.

This is how you can find and choose the best online yoga courses.

How to Find the Best Yoga Classes in Gaborone?

One of the best ways to keep yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually fit is by performing Yoga. Yoga is the best exercise that makes you energetic, flexible, and extremely fit. Yoga also conditions your mind and spirit, hence keeping you happy and positive.

You can perform Yoga early in the morning and prepare yourself positively for the entire day ahead. You don’t have to worry if you don’t know how to do yoga; you can join Yoga in Gaborone classes and learn from the best instructor!

Finding the best classes of yoga in Gaborone is no rocket science anymore. Here are some quick tips to consider to enroll in the best classes of learning yoga:

  1. First of all, it is important to understand your goal. What do you want to accomplish by learning Yoga? Ask yourself this question, and then decide on enrolling in the yoga in Gaborone classes. There are many purposes of performing yoga – losing weight, improving flexibility, building muscles, and relieving stress. Some people also look forward to doing a certification course in Yoga for their future career.
  1. Next, it is essential to know about the instructors of the institution you are enrolling at. If you are enrolling in yoga in Gaborone class offline, walk in the studio. Check all the facilities. Have a word with the instructor and tell them your purpose for learning yoga. Ask them to explain the protocol of the class so that you may make a fine choice.
  1. While having a word with the yoga instructors, do not forget to ask about their certifications. Always learn yoga from a certified yoga instructor or a registered yoga institution. Different types of training are given to these instructors at beginner, intermediate, and expert levels. Do not settle down at beginner. Any wrong training in yoga may end up affecting your physical and mental health.
  1. Last but not least, see if the Yoga instructor can carry out the yoga sessions online. The current Covid situation has convinced many people to organize their classes and workshop online. By opting for online classes, you can learn yoga within the comfort of your home.

You can look for the best yoga in Gaborone classes by searching for them online and offline. Start your hunt today!