Flexibility has become a key component of physical fitness, and nothing helps you better than yoga if you want to attain the same. A flexible body can perform other exercises well. Flexibility makes your body quick and mobile and also gives you immense strength. Yoga for flexibility and balance has become a new cool. You can learn yoga to maintain flexibility in your body in the long run!

Increased flexibility also releases muscle tension, alleviates insomnia, reduces stress, and increases your sense of well-being. We have listed the five best poses of yoga for flexibility and balance that you can perform daily:

  1. Half Splits Pose:

This pose targets your hamstrings and reduces muscle tension. You can start with a tabletop position and plant your right foot between palms. Straighten your right legs while sending your hips back. Keep your hips lifted and stacked above the left knee. Flex your right toes back toward your face. Hold the pose for five breaths and then switch to the other side.

  1. Lizard Pose:

It is one of the best poses of yoga for flexibility and balance. Start with a tabletop position, setting up your right foot outside your right hand. Place your palms inside your right foot and extend the left leg behind. Stay on the palms while keeping the chest lifted. Hold the pose for five breaths. Switch to the other side. 

  1. Head to Knee:

Sit on a yoga mat and extend your right leg forth. Bend the left knee outside and press your left foot into your inner thigh. Breathe in and out while raising arms overhead. Bend at your hips and fold forward on the right leg. Hold on to the outstretched foot and breathe for one minute. Repeat.

  1. Cat-Cow:

Place your legs and hands on the floor as if you are in the position that of a cow. Balance your body and breathe in a while, letting your belly drop on the floor. Keep the tailbone, chin, and chest rose while moving your belly downward. Breathe out. Continue for a minute.

  1. Bow Pose:

Lie facing down and place arms alongside your body. Bend knees such that your feet float up. Hold ankles with your hands. Lift your chest and shoulders from the floor such that your face is put forward. Take long breaths and hold the pose. Repeat.

We are sure that Yoga poses for flexibility and balance will help you attain extreme fitness and flexibility. Try now!

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