Pregnant woman doing yoga

Yoga during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and anticipation, but it can also come with its own set of challenges, both physical and emotional. As expectant mothers navigate this transformative time, many turn to yoga as a gentle and nurturing practice to support their well-being.In the following piece, we address some of the most common questions  that our clients have regarding doing yoga while expecting, discussing safe techniques and the many advantages it may provide for both mother and child.


  •  Is it safe to practice yoga during pregnancy?


Yes, practicing yoga during pregnancy is generally considered safe for most expectant mothers, especially if you have been practicing yoga before pregnancy. However, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, including yoga, to ensure it’s appropriate for your individual circumstances. Additionally, it’s critical to select prenatal yoga courses or alter your practice under the supervision of a certified prenatal yoga instructor who is aware of the unique requirements and safety concerns for expectant mothers.


  • What are the advantages of yoga for expectant mothers?


Yoga has numerous physical and psychological advantages for expectant women. The following are some possible advantages of prenatal yoga:


  • Enhanced strength and flexibility: Mild stretching and strengthening activities might help reduce the discomforts associated with pregnancy, like backaches and tense muscles.
  • Stress reduction: Yoga’s mindful breathing and relaxation methods can help lower tension and anxiety while fostering emotional health in expectant mothers.
  • Birthing preparation: A few yoga poses and breathing exercises can assist build the pelvic floor muscles, increase stamina, and promote relaxation, all of which may be helpful during labour and delivery.
  • Relationship with baby: Prenatal yoga gives expectant moms a chance to establish a relationship with both their growing baby and their bodies, encouraging a sense of mindfulness and bonding.


  •  Are there any poses I should avoid?


Even though yoga can be helpful during pregnancy, there are some positions that should be avoided or modified to protect the mother and unborn child. It is best to avoid poses that require powerful backbends, deep twists, or prolonged lying flat on the back, particularly in the later months of pregnancy. Furthermore, any pose that puts strain on the body or impairs balance should be adjusted or avoided completely. It’s critical to pay attention to your body, respect your limits, and be honest with your prenatal yoga instructor about any issues or adjustments that may be necessary.


  •  When is the ideal time to begin yoga for pregnant women?


Once your healthcare professional has given the all-clear, the ideal time to begin prenatal yoga is either in the first or early stages of the second trimester. But it’s never too late to begin a prenatal yoga practice, and many expecting women find that beginning a practice at any point in their pregnancy has benefits. Whatever your starting point, to guarantee a safe and encouraging practice, pay attention to your body, practice thoughtfully, and select classes or instructors who specialise in pregnant yoga.


In conclusion, expectant moms might benefit greatly from prenatal yoga as a way to maintain their mental and physical health during the pregnancy. Under the direction of certified instructors, pregnant women can feel empowered to investigate the advantages of prenatal yoga by answering frequently asked questions and highlighting safety precautions. May your yoga practice be a source of strength, connection, and care for you and your unborn child as you set off on this wonderful adventure of pregnancy.


We at Yown yoga are committed to helping expectant women through our skilled instructors’ prenatal yoga courses as they navigate the path of pregnancy. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information or if you would want to become a member of our prenatal yoga community. We are available to assist you at every stage.


Yoga For Overweight

Yoga for Overweight Individuals: Myth vs. Reality

Yoga is indeed a practice that transcends body size and shape, making it accessible to all individuals, regardless of their physical attributes. At Yownn Yoga, inclusivity is at the heart of our mission. We understand that for plus-sized individuals, the decision to start a yoga practice may be met with apprehension due to concerns about acceptance and judgment. Unfortunately, some yoga instructors may perpetuate stereotypes by suggesting that overweight individuals should lose weight before participating in classes. However, at Yownn Yoga, we reject this notion entirely. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to experience the transformative benefits of yoga, irrespective of their size or weight.


The advantages of yoga for plus-sized individuals are numerous and significant. Firstly, yoga can play a pivotal role in weight management and overall well-being. The dynamic movements and stretches inherent in yoga practice can facilitate fat burning, contributing to weight loss over time. Additionally, the emphasis on strength-building poses helps to tone muscles, enhancing overall body strength and endurance. For individuals with concerns about Body Mass Index (BMI), regular yoga practice can lead to a reduction in BMI by promoting fat loss and muscle gain.


Moreover, yoga serves as a potent tool for stress relief and mental well-being. Through mindfulness practices, such as meditation and controlled breathing techniques, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and tranquility. This is especially beneficial for plus-sized individuals who may experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety due to societal pressures and stereotypes. By fostering a holistic approach to wellness, yoga empowers individuals to develop coping mechanisms and resilience in the face of adversity.


Another compelling benefit of yoga for plus-sized individuals is its potential to promote healthier eating habits and mitigate disordered eating patterns. By cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness on the mat, individuals can develop a more intuitive relationship with food, reducing the tendency towards emotional eating, stress eating, and binge eating. Research published in the International Journal of Yoga has shown that regular yoga practice is associated with healthier dietary choices, including increased consumption of nutrient-dense foods and reduced intake of processed foods high in fat and sugar.


To fully reap the rewards of yoga, consistency and dedication are key. Attending classes regularly and adhering to specific poses recommended by our experienced instructors are essential components of a successful yoga journey. Here are some of the most beneficial poses for plus-sized individuals:


  1. The Cat-Cow Pose: This gentle sequence involves transitioning between two poses, providing a soothing stretch to the spine and strengthening the core muscles. It serves as an excellent starting point for individuals looking to target belly fat and improve overall flexibility.


  1. Tabletop Crunches: Beginning in a tabletop position, this exercise engages the core muscles and promotes stability and control. Alternating between lifting each knee towards its corresponding elbow in a controlled motion helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and enhance overall core strength.


  1. Chair Pose: This standing posture involves bending the knees and lowering the hips as if sitting back in an imaginary chair. Holding the pose engages the lower body muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, while improving balance and stability.


  1. Bow Pose: This invigorating backbend stretches the entire front of the body while strengthening the back muscles. By lying on the stomach and lifting the chest and legs off the ground, individuals can experience a deep opening in the chest and shoulders, promoting improved posture and spinal flexibility.


  1. Forward Bend Pose: This calming posture gently stretches the entire back of the body, including the spine, hamstrings, and calves. By folding forward from the hips and allowing the upper body to release over the legs, individuals can experience a profound sense of relaxation and release tension in the back muscles.


In conclusion, yoga holds immense potential for plus-sized individuals seeking to enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. At Yownn Yoga, we wholeheartedly embrace individuals of all shapes and sizes, providing a supportive and inclusive environment for personal growth and transformation. By embracing the practice of yoga and committing to regular practice, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, cultivating greater strength, resilience, and vitality from within. Join us at Yownn Yoga and embark on a path towards holistic wellness and self-acceptance.